Sunday, May 30, 2010


This week we were having breakfast and talking about our trip Charlotte with my parents. Totally had a fun time with them. Our favorite still is going around Charlotte Motor Speedway in a large passenger van. The tour guide only got going 65 or something but then he stopped on the turn - AHH! It was a 24 degree angle (I think) and that was enough for me - felt like the van was going to tip over.
I was having fun making the kids poise on these great fish in a park and we got in trouble for getting on the fish! WHOOPS!

Cute Emma on the bench at the 'fish' park and

then in the car as we were getting to Charlotte. She is a poop in the car. By the time we got there we all had enough of her crying!

We wore grandpa out... it was too funny to see all the kids sacked out on his lap. They thought it was great that he would climb into the back of the van with them. I had to put a stop on that because it is too hard to climb into the back for me - let alone dad!

We had fun riding the tram in Charlotte- we got to see people from all walks of life. I think it was a wide-eyed experience for the kids (and me). My kids think it is funny to sing some song about 'pants on the ground' I had to shuush them because they wanted to sing this and we were surrounded by this type of fashion!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


The kids were quite proud of themselves running the marathon at the school. They had to prepare by running or walking 25 miles and then they finish the last 1.2 miles at the school. It was scheduled for a day that really would have worked but it was a little chilly and had been raining so they postponed it. Arg! It was a lot hotter on the rescheduled day. They all had red faces!
This first picture is Eli running with some older kids. They stuck together the whole time and Eli thought they were pretty cool. The next is Rhett coming into the finish line just by the Durham Bull mascot. He was the first one in of my kids and was amongst the first group of kids that ran in. I never could get a picture of Megan running. She was past me when I spotted her both rounds!

Mr. Eli was so excited to see Emma after the race. All the kids flocked around her from his class. She was a little overwhelmed with all the attention. She is starting to tell the kids no when they get in her face.

They thought they were pretty cool to get a medal. I finally got them to throw away their numbers just this last week.

You can see how red their faces are in these pictures. Rhett's picture was taken about an hour afterwards, too.

If I had a better stroller I would have run with them but my stroller just isn't meant for an off road experience.
Oh the fun things we do!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Redge is great. Usually I discourage him from getting me flowers because they just die. Well, I decided that it would be kind of fun to get flowers because he just doesn't do that (because of me!). So after having a conversation about getting flowers and that it would be kind of fun to get them every once in a while... he bought some for me for Valentines. I thought it was great that he found these at the grocery store. (yes, I am a bit cheap - especially on things that are going to just die!) But, they bloomed so pretty and lasted for almost 10 days. I had 10 days of remembering that my sweetheart thought of me.

So last week Redge comes home all beaming about a secret that he is going to tell me after the kids are in bed. In lieu of Mothers Day, he has booked a couples massage at a prestigious hotel here. I was a bit shocked!! First of all he thought way ahead for Mother's Day. Second, this is NOT something he would do (it was a bit spendy)! And most of all~ I am a bit scared to go! I haven't ever had a professional massage... And what is a couples massage? Nothing kinky, right? Well, I am sure we are in for an experience! This may be a one time experience. HAHA!!

Redge loves me! (It is kind of nice to know that you are still in love, huh!)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Oh Emma

The 'pre' twos have started...

I was touching up a few spots of paint in a room the other day and Emma decided to dip a tool in and try a taste of paint. This was done all in the time it took me to dip my brush, turn around fix my area and then turn back to her noises. She was sputtering, trying to get that paint out of her mouth, holding the tool in her hand. I screamed help to the kids and ran her to the bathroom to wash her mouth out. She was upset by this time and inhaled some of the water/paint that I was rapidly washing out of her mouth. Meanwhile I was yelling at the kids to clean up her shirt, clean up the floor where the paint dripped, and asking for one to grab her a drink. AH!! After calling poison control, we were relieved that she just had to drink water or juice. whew!

So then we go downstairs to eat lunch and get our paint taster some juice - trying to encourage lots of drinking. After eating lunch Emma fills her pants, so I scoop her up to change her. I notice something on her lip. hmmm what? no it can't be.... ugh, after opening up the lovely diaper, I discover a streak mark of poop up her back and a blob on the edge of her diaper. YUCK!! It was poop! I have no idea if she actually got any of it in her mouth... but she tried!

I guess she must have tough stomach for all that ingesting!

Her next favorite thing to do is to lock herself in a room. She loves to push the button on the door... So today she locks herself in the bathroom and unrolls all the tp off the roll. I was just grateful she didn't lift the toilet lid and start playing in there.

This is what she did the other day...

She could have made a bigger mess with all the stuff I have under that sink but she picked the q-tips.

During FHE the other night she came out of my bedroom, strutting her stuff. Needless to say, we had to stop to giggle at her antics. She was quite proud of herself.

As Emma just said, 'dat [m]ee'