Monday, November 23, 2009

Funny Eli

So I took Eli to an Allergy and Asthma place because he just always seems to look tired and acts like it is so hard to breath. Well he has a few allergies - knew that - but now they have a name. He has asthma, we are trying an inhaler and will return in a few weeks to the dr to talk more about that. But now my kids all think this is some great thing to broadcast to EVERYONE! ARG! They played at a friends house (just the boys) and the family said to Redge when they were picked up "So Eli is allergic to ..." Brother!
So I had to have the conversation that "you have had this all your life, it hasn't killed you yet" and "we don't need to be telling everyone about it" type of conversation. But his comment yesterday about made me crack up laughing... "So, mom, since I am sick and have to take medicine (inhaler), I shouldn't be going to church, right?"
I guess this is going to take a few more conversations to help his understanding what asthma is and that his isn't "sick" medicine. As the doctor was instructing us to dust/vacuum his room and have him not be in there while doing it and for an hour afterwards - I thought of telling the doctor "stop talking right now" because I can just see Eli's cogs a turning... "hmm this means I don't have to clean anymore, right." I guess I had better invest in a mask. No excuses!
Maybe it was better to not have a name for the allergies...

Sunday, November 1, 2009


After deliberating for a few weeks I decided last Monday to make the kids some costumes. I have never made them a costume before, I always bought them. All their previous costumes were just too small and I didn't have anything to throw together for them... so I caved! But I decided to go with something simple - capes.

Monday I drug the kids all to JoAnn's Fabric for two hours of deciding, debating, changing our minds, and then waiting for even longer in line! Ug! I spent too much, even on sale! The kids did awesome... well by the end they were walking Emma through the isles and Eli was jumping out and scaring her, making her giggle. I am quite sure they were sick of us by the time we exited the building! :)

I started on Eli's cape first because I knew I had all of the fabric I needed for his costume. I bought the end of the bolt for both Rhett and Megan's... I lucked out - just enough fabric for both of their capes. Eli was so cute when I finished his cape, he wore it from Tuesday on. This is his first 'non' hand-me-down costume - he was so excited about it. But then we went Trick-or-Treating and he wore it for about a 1/2 a block and was done wearing it. I am sure part of it was it was hot and humid. Welcome to North Carolina!
So Rhett was last to have his costume done and this is what he did for about the last hour of my finishing his cape. I finally gave him something to do because he was making me nervous having him sitting there!

His material was a pain - it has a metallic something to it and it totally dulled one of my needles and it kept jamming! It took longer just because of that! I think it turned out pretty cool though!

Megan's material was gorgeous and totally looked awesome on her! Isn't she a doll! We had a hard time deciding on Amadala or Leia. I landed on Amadala because of the flashy cape color. Did we do okay?

I told Eli to pose like he was in character. Isn't he cute. I looked at all of them and can't believe how grown up they all look.

We had a fun time with Halloween this year.

No, I didn't dress Emma up... but she enjoyed the stroller ride immensely! If I wasn't moving along fast enough she would rock forward and back like she was trying to propel the stroller forward herself. Here is her latest trick that she likes to do... Can you eat your toes?