Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I have decided it is crazy to have school in the summer and then have all the other activities that go on during the summer months. We put it all on ourselves, of course!
Megan and Eli are my swimmers this year for swim team. We didn't attend much because of the conflict with scouts and activity days but when we could go it was fun.

Emma was funny one day when I put her down for her nap. She just wasn't that tired and so she played instead!

Today the kids came running into tell me that a butterfly landed on Rhett. These are a few pictures of them playing with the poor thing. It had a torn wing. They wanted to bring it in and doctor it. I just didn't think it would live. They are compassionate!

It is also a fun symbol for the Bodily family to see a butterfly. Grandma Alice loves butterflys! We were thrilled to think this one would spend so much time tolerating our kids handling it.

1 comment:

Blake and Tristan said...

I love that picture of Emma in her crib. So neat that the kids were able to play with the butterfly for awhile. We sure miss you guys.