I think we have solved all the world's problems in a few of our long phone calls over the years. Remember traipsing about Vegas when you lived down there? Do you remember driving from Boise to Rupert - I swear you drove us home and it was a whirlwind of a drive. Forget worrying if there are any cops around! Speaking of flying in from Vegas - I think we picked you up in SL too and you got to help watch Rhett and Megan for me while we went to Ty and Kyla's wedding. hmmm I think I still owe you some major babysitting...
I remember Mr. Hansen telling me one day in High School that you had told him how bugged you were that I had a boyfriend or something. I just remember laughing that you would divulge information to our orchestra teacher. And especially him - he was so annoying! hmm maybe he was trying to help save our relationship! I will try to think that way.
ahhh remember all the letters back and forth on your mission. I looked forward to your emails so much. It was hard for me to not talk to you over the phone. We really do accomplish much during our phone conversations... now you just need a decent phone so that my old ears can hear you better, eh!
I know that I can take you clothes shopping with me because you will be honest if the clothes are totally ugly. I think I rely on you too much to tell me how to be stylish. I am a lost cause there!
Since you and your other half (the other allens') have moved I guess we will look back on our three years there and wish for it again. We had such fun game nights and sitting around the living room to talk for hours! I wonder if we will ever live close again. It just isn't like the old days where you get married and move down the road from each other. *sigh* oh well, I guess we have many more phone calls to look forward too.
Thanks for being a fun sister that makes me laugh when things are hard, for being my interior decorator and photographer, and of course thanks for being a friend and sister!
Oh and just look at this birthday as the best one yet... you never age after this... Always will be 29! Happy Birthday Annie!
Oh aren't you just so sweet!!! I am a pretty good sister. lol... I can't believe how little Sav and Emma are in that picture. Crazy how the time flies.... Never thought I'd be 29! Although I gotta say- Dale thought I was 26, so I think I'll stick with that. =)
hee hee - I am all over 26! I know aren't they cute! I was laughing at Emma today. She totally reminded me of Savy. She was giving me a little bit of attitude!
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